CTE Director's Message
Garden Grove Unified School District provides a wide variety of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to students at all seven comprehensive high schools, our continuation high school, and all ten intermediate schools.
CTE course work engages students in dynamic, experiential learning that allows them to develop and master the technical, academic, employability, decision-making, and interpersonal skills needed for post-secondary success and satisfaction.
Our programs apply rigorous academic content standards to relevant, real-world situations. Instructors have professional experience in the industry sectors and subjects they teach and students use 21st century, industry-standard tools and technology in the classrooms. Courses and pathways are developed in response to student interests and goals and in collaboration with business advisory members, local agencies, college and university partners, and regional labor market specialists.
Our CTE department promotes the district’s strategic plan of equipping all students for lifelong success. We currently offer over 70 courses in a variety of industry sectors to high school students and adults. Most secondary school courses are offered during the regularly scheduled day and several are offered before or after school and during summer sessions. Our classes enable high school students to explore a career field of interest, prepare for college and other post-secondary endeavors, develop transferable skills, and meet graduation requirements. Many high school classes offer early college credit and nearly all contribute to UC a-g entrance requirements.
In response to changing policies, standards, and economic demands, Career and Technical Education in Garden Grove Unified is committed to developing increasingly rigorous and relevant programs, resources, and services to benefit students and the community. My goal is to foster innovation and continuous improvement of CTE instructional programs so that today's students are equipped to become tomorrow's professionals in a rapidly changing global economy.
Please explore this website for more resources and information about our classes, pathways, and programs. Allow us to assist you in developing the technical skills, leadership ability, and career preparation you will need to create a vision and action plan for a successful future.
Myra Clarke
Director, Career and Technical Education
Career Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for a wide range of careers and for post-secondary education. Careers require varying levels of education: obtaining industry-recognized certification; community college Career Education certificates and associate’s degrees; apprenticeships; baccalaureate degrees; and graduate school and professional degrees.
CTE is at the forefront of preparing students to be “college- AND career-ready.” CTE equips students with:
- core academic skills and the ability to apply and transfer those skills to real-world settings
- employability skills (such as critical thinking, communication, and creativity) that are essential in any professional domain
- job-specific, technical skills related to a specific career pathway